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The typical rash of LP is well-described by the "4 P's".

Lichen planus (LP) is a chronic mucocutaneous disease of skin and the oral mucosa, and presents itself in the form of papules or plaques. LP may also affect the genital mucosa - vulvovaginal-gingival lichen planus, nail and hair-follicles. The typical rash of LP is well-described by the "4 P's".

What are the 4 p’s represent?

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Prof. Reza Bin Zaid | 21-03-2014 | 2 Comment(s)

Comments on the Topic



Poriasis; Is a chronic inflamatory skin leasion, characterized by whit silvery scale, the central tent of pathogenesis is a T-lymphicyte thats affect on ahomeostasis: lead to disorder of proliferation of keratinocytes and also affects the differnsionation. Have many types, either common and non common types.
Need more explanation and re assurance of the patient with out promis him to complete resolution because of relapse of this disease.
Best regards.
Dr. Saad Raheem Abed
MD of dermatology.
Iraq/Thiqar/Alhussain Teaching Hospital



please tell me about psoriasis

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