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Acne and Rosacea

Acne and rosacea are two of the most common skin disorders. They share in common the presence of papules and pustules on the face, a situation that can lead to misdiagnosis by those not familiar with the full spectrum of the diseases. However, their differences are more numerous and pronounced than their similarities.

It should be apparent that there are abundant differences in acne and rosacea, in terms of etiology, epidemiology, manifestations, prognosis, and treatment. However, if a patient has other acne-like lesions that occur in both disorders (papules, pustules), the dermatologist may ask him or her series of questions. If the answers are affirmative, the problem is more likely to be rosacea.

So what are the questions dermatologists should ask?

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Prof. Reza Bin Zaid | 21-03-2014 | 1 Comment(s)

Comments on the Topic

Do the lesions occur in a symmetric distribution?
Is telangiectasia present?

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